More About TIAND

Tomorrow Is A New Day is podcast for the capstone project of Jaylyn Long. Long is a senior, biomedical science major with a minor in African American Studies at the University of Mary Washington in Fredericksburg, VA.

This project is under the advisement of Dr. Mary Beth Mathews, a professor of Religious Studies in the department of Classics, Philosophy, and Religion at the University of Mary Washington

The picture above is of podcast host Jaylyn Long on the central walkway through the University of Mary Washington campus next to a lamppost with signage that highlights the university’s community values ASPIRE. ASPIRE are values that exude Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, topics very near and dear to Jaylyn.

The podcast is under the purview of Jaylyn’s minor, the African American Studies Minor in conjuction with her scholarship as a student in the University of Mary Washington Honors Program.

TIAND Season One

In the first season of the podcast, which is Long’s capstone, Long will talk briefly about the history of the Tulsa Race Massacre and argue that tensions around the Massacre started before the Massacre itself. The bulk of Long’s arguement will be in the aftermath of the Massacre. Long will argue that the Tulsa Race Massacre sought to disenfranchise black property and generational wealth, a trend that was affirmed in the framing of Tulsa as a Race Riot. However, with the resurgence of the Black Lives Matter Movement after the Murder of George Floyd in 2020, there was a greater push for a shift to massacre because it strengthens the arguments for justice and reparations. 

Thank You.

“The past is gone, the present is now, but tomorrow we can start anew” -Jaylyn Long